Consulting & service▪
Consulting focus is assisting districts or states to implement RTI. Service activities involve collaboration with others in research and talks related to (a) implementation fidelity, (b) disproportionality, (c) over-identification and other topics.
Projects have included:
- Collaborating with a large suburban district to tweak their existing RTI model because it was not delivering the results principals were demanding.
- Collaboration with a state department of education team to design and implement a customized state RTI model. Included planning and conducting statewide training for districts.
- Partnering with state regional centers and cooperatives on a process that begins with awareness training for districts and leads to full implementation for participating districts.
- Consulting with a large publishing company on improving implementation of a specific intervention.
- Consulting with a state in which districts were using various assessment systems (e.g., DIBELS, Aimsweb) to situate those assessments within a comprehensive RTI system that could better utilize the assessments to determine student needs and an appropriate intervention for students who did not benchmark.
- Providing training to a small district lacking in resources where the staff wore “many hats” to streamline RTI and make it work with limited resources and many challenging students.
- Providing training and consultation to Federal Comprehensive Centers to assist them in planning and delivering RTI related supports and resources to states in their regions.
- Customizing or developing web based data management services for screening and progress monitoring related to RTI.
- Working with a publishing company to develop customized RTI web based training and video.